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How Grégoire retains customers despite inflation

The French-inspired fast casual brand has survived plenty of economic uneasiness. Owner Gregoire Jacquet reveals how.

How Grégoire retains customers despite inflationProvided

| Gregoire Jacquet

With the current inflation challenges, eating out has become more of a luxury, and concepts need to work hard to prove why they still deserve consumers' dollars. From the rising prices of everything right now to the challenges of shuttering for service during the pandemic or the recession of 2008, I have experienced all sorts of difficulties as a restaurant owner. Still, my business, Grégoire, has survived it all.

The key to retaining business, especially during times of economic strife, is to excel in service in every way. Whether it's the customer service facet or the actual serving of the food, every element of your restaurant needs to be fine-tuned to remind customers why they keep returning as a patron of your establishment.

Focus on the Products That Sell

Are you proud of what you're serving, and is what you're serving going to please other people? Owners have to focus on the product and make sure it's something that will bring people back time and time again to enjoy.

As a chef, I know some dishes that I enjoy are a bit too exotic for most, so I don't have them on the menu. If you try to get too experimental, you can lose customers. It's about really listening to your patrons and giving them what they want.

You also have to uphold the quality of products. Don't sacrifice ingredients for a cheaper vendor just because you found a better deal. Cheaper food usually ends up with a cheaper taste, and customers will notice that the flavor and quality have been affected.

Provide Exceptional Customer Service

How the brand and the business are perceived is everything, so the look and feel of the business are so important. It goes from the packaging to the service to the cleanliness of the establishment — anything that can affect the patron's experience or elevate it in a way that makes them want to come back.

Always make business decisions based on making the customer feel like a priority. If they have a good experience, they are likely to come back. It's an effort that involves all the employees, from whoever interacts with customers first all the way to the environment in the kitchen. You have to make sure the customer enjoys the experience throughout the visit and that it feels like a special experience.

Offer a Loyalty Program for Patrons

At Grégoire, we have a very popular loyalty program that has been in place for almost 10 years. About 25% of all customers sign up for and use the loyalty program, which is excellent for retention because it can entice them to return.

It's integrated into the app and has an easy-to-use interface based on points, where an accumulation means customers can cash in for discounts or free items. We have QR codes all over the restaurant to direct them on how to download the app and be connected. Our systems allow us to push targeted ads to customers so we know what they like and what promotions to offer them.

The business model is based on returning to the business and trying new things and old favorites. Constantly reminding them of the business's presence and all it has to offer is a great way to convince people to keep visiting, even when budgets are tight.

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