Supreme Foods Saves Time on Due Diligence to Close Deals Faster

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Case Study

Supreme Foods Saves Time on Due Diligence to Close Deals Faster

Supreme Foods prioritizes growth through rigorous due diligence and scalable operations. In the competitive market, thorough scrutiny, including checks for easements, CAM charges, and sales anomalies, is essential before bidding on acquisitions. But, managing additional locations requires staying ahead of numerous key milestones and dates, which can pose a challenge for a lean, yet dynamic team.

Leasecake empowers the Supreme Foods team with a scalable solution to effortlessly manage crucial dates like Rent Changes and Lease Expirations, eliminating administrative burdens and freeing up their team to focus on other tasks. As the team gears up for the retirement of their long-standing CFO, Leasecake emerges as a vital system, ensuring seamless transition of lease data and documentation for a prepared takeover. Leasecake’s Professional Services team enables efficiency and allows Kevin’s team to stay focused on their area unique area of expertise —a win-win for all involved.


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