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Kelly’s Roast Beef CEO learns 4 lessons from rebranding

Neil Newcomb, CEO of Kelly’s Roast Beef Franchising, offers insight into successfully rebranding a restaurant company.

Kelly’s Roast Beef CEO learns 4 lessons from rebrandingProvided by Kelly's

| Neil Newcomb, CEO, Kelly’s Roast Beef Franchising

In the fast casual food world, branding is everything. A strong brand can make or break a franchise, and it's crucial for any company to constantly think of new ways to improve or evolve its brand. At Kelly's Roast Beef, we have recently gone through the process of rebranding, and it has helped us find new ways to expand our audience and overall success. I would like to share 3 insight that I found from the process and advice that I wish I had known prior to our franchise's rebrand.

Neil Newcomb, CEO, Kelly's Roast Beef Franchising

1. Stay true to your company values
One of the most important lessons I learned throughout our rebranding process is staying true to the core values. With Kelly's Roast Beef, our values have always been centered on providing high-quality and excellent customer service, and we did not want to go away from that. Instead, we focused on refreshing our brand to communicate those values to guests better and share how that sets us apart from our competitors. By staying true to our core values, we created a more authentic brand that resonated with our guests to share our story on a deeper level.

2. Embrace the change
Another critical lesson, and often the biggest challenge, was embracing change. It is not easy to let go of the old ways of doing things and embrace something new and different. But often, change is necessary for growth and success. At Kelly's Roast Beef, we welcomed the new improvements with the rebranding, leading to further growth and success. Throughout the process we updated our historic carousel-themed dining rooms, the marketing strategy, and even our logo. Embracing change allowed us to appreciate our historic brand while looking towards the future with the constantly evolving industry.

3. Highlight the greatness of the old
While embracing the change during the rebranding process is important, it is equally crucial to highlight the greatness of the old. If your business has been successful in the past, there are many elements of the brand that guests love and set you apart from other competitors. Throughout the process, keep and maintain the key features in your new branding strategy and build upon them. We have a loyal following with Kelly's Roast Beef, that loves our iconic menu items such as the Original Roast Beef sandwich. We want to continue highlighting our classic menu items and the quality ingredients. While focusing on the future and the rebranding, you must honor and admire what has made your brand successful.

4. Stay focused on the big picture
Lastly, it is important to stay focused on the overall big picture and the benefits that will come. Rebranding can be overwhelming and daunting, but keeping your overall end goals in mind is crucial. At Kelly's Roast Beef, we knew this process would take time and effort, but we always stayed focused on the end result. Our eyes were always on the prize, and we did not let the everyday challenges distract us from our long-term goal throughout the process. Ultimately, we are thrilled by the final product of the rebrand and believe it has helped us share our story and how we want to continue to make a positive impact.

In conclusion, rebranding your company's strategy can be challenging but rewarding. It is a powerful tool for franchises in any industry but requires strong leadership and a clear vision. By staying true to your core values, embracing the change, leading by example, and staying focused on the big picture, you can successfully navigate the process and position your brand for long-term success. With Kelly's Roast Beef, we have seen the benefits firsthand and are excited to continue to grow and evolve the brand in the years to come.

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