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April Focus: Healthy Oils and Fats

Healthy oils and fats

While the word “fat” may have a negative connotation for some, it’s essential for our well-being. Not only does fat help us absorb fat-soluble vitamins, but it also contains necessary fatty acids that our bodies can’t produce on their own.

When it comes to oils, not all are created equal. Some plant oils, like soybean, corn, cottonseed, sunflower, peanut, sesame, and rice bran oils, are high in omega-6 fatty acids. These omega-6 fats are suspected to contribute to chronic inflammation and diseases such as heart disease, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis. In contrast, oils like flaxseed, canola, avocado, olive, and sesame oils are richer in omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory and beneficial for our health.

It’s important to note that processed foods often contain high levels of omega-6 fatty acids. By cutting down on processed foods and opting for natural, whole foods, you can lower your intake of unhealthy fats. The Mediterranean diet, known for its health benefits, emphasizes healthy fats while limiting unhealthy ones. This diet focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, poultry, nuts, small portions of red meat and healthy oils like olive oil.

Monounsaturated fats, found in olive oil, canola oil, avocados, and various nuts, have been shown to improve cholesterol levels. Polyunsaturated fats, present in walnuts, pine nuts, flaxseed, and cold-water fish like salmon and mackerel, may help reduce bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Feeling inspired to incorporate more healthy fats into your diet? There are plenty of delicious ways to do so. Try drizzling olive oil over salads, dipping apples or celery in nut butter, adding avocado slices to your toast, or sprinkling seeds like pumpkin, chia, or flax seeds onto your oatmeal or salad.

Remember, the key isn’t to eliminate all fats from your diet but to focus on including good fats from natural, unprocessed sources. By choosing real, whole foods rich in healthy fats, you can nourish your body and support your overall well-being. So, embrace the goodness of healthy fats and savor the benefits they bring to your health and vitality!

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