3 Must-Know Foodservice Trends Set to Dominate 2024

2024 trends

As we raise our glasses (and Ruby Red Colorware Tumblers), we bid farewell to 2023. We have been keeping a keen eye on the horizon of 2024 and the potential trends making their way to your restaurant. We’re anticipating a rise in the demand for quality, convenience and environmental responsibility for customers and businesses. In the foodservice industry, it’s imperative to stay ahead of the game, and Cambro is here to be your ally. Here is what to expect in the new year.

Go Green

In 2024, sustainability in both kitchens and consumer choices will take precedence over the convenience that has historically overshadowed environmental concerns. Consumers today are driven by heightened awareness of buying consciousness and a growing sense of social responsibility. As a result, there is a growing inclination for individuals to support businesses that not only offer quality products and services, but also actively prioritize environmental responsibility and sustainability.  

single use plastic infographicAs a sign of the times, Michelin has joined the sustainable food movement by awarding a green star to restaurants that maintain the highest environmental standards, according to a recent study by OpenTable. Additionally, a new statistic revealed 66% of consumers are willing to pay more for something that’s environmentally friendly.

A major culprit that may be keeping your restaurant from keeping up with this evolving consumer trend: deli containers. These single-use containers crack and develop unpleasant odors, inevitably leading to their disposal. When we interviewed a Southern California hotel chef, he shared that his kitchen used to throw away up to 14,400 single-use containers a year—equivalent to 1,060 pounds; That is from ONE hotel kitchen!

CamSquares® FreshPro Translucents steps in as a sustainable solution, the food industry’s first commercial grade ½ qt. and 1 qt. reusable deli container. CamSquares FreshPro Translucents offer a practical and eco-friendly alternative, making a significant impact on reducing kitchen waste and environmental footprint. By opting for these innovative storage solutions, you’re making a choice that aligns with consumers’ values, benefits your kitchen and most of all, benefits the planet.

Fight Against Rising Costs

In a landscape of rising food prices, keeping dining experiences affordable is a challenge for consumers and restaurants alike.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, consumer prices for food away from home have documented prices that have risen to new heights. However, as restaurants navigate these inflationary pressures, the quality of your food storage should not be compromised.

Maintaining high-quality food storage practices decreases the amount of food going to waste. Cambro food storage containers are designed to keep food fresher for longer periods. Investing in durable and reliable storage options helps restaurants reduce food waste and contribute to an enhanced customer experience through consistently fresh meals. 

The Wonders of Wall Storage

The resurgence of open shelving and floating shelves is transforming the back of the house. Wall shelving offers a blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal while maximizing your space and providing easy access to your most used cooking tools. No need to waste time digging through bins! 

This trend is not confined to high-profile establishments; it can be extremely impactful at businesses of all shapes and sizes, where wall shelving can be used to address small and awkward spaces. 

When the floor gets full, look up! Pegboards provide time-saving efficiency and enhanced drying capabilities. For example, the adoption of Cambro’s rust-free pegboard transformed the efficiency and organization at Allina Healthcare. 

peg board

“This was a big improvement for us. Everyone hated digging around for stuff with our old system. The flow of the kitchen is better because the utensils are right there and very organized. It’s so much easier now,” said Lynna Sparbel, Nutrition Operations Manager.

Navigate the future of your kitchen with Cambro as your compass. New year, new kitchen!

Contact your local Cambro sales rep to stay ahead of the game in 2024.


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